Wednesday, March 01, 2006

A sleepy boy

This is what happens when a certain boy insists that he does NOT need a nap when a certain mommy knows that he is very very tired. This happens after a long morning of "shop" where we put price stickers on lots of toys and then buy them with fake money. Then we play on v-smile for a long time and then do activity books. He asked me for a tortilla while I was folding laundry and when I walked by, 5 minutes later, he was asleep!!! Ohhhhh! Isn't he just so sweet.

I-guy had his one year wellness appt. today. He's doing great! Here are his stats:
ht. 31 1/4 inches- 90th percentile
wt. 25 lbs- 80th percentile
head circumference: 47.8 cm- 90th percentile
Yep, He's still a big boy. No weight gain in the past three months, but it's probably because he's very active and he's been sick twice in the last month.

More stuff about I-guy at his one year mark:
1) not walking yet but making attempts on his own.
2) has seven teeth now!
3) says kitty, mama, & dada.
4) nods yes and no when you ask him questions,
5) he loves music.
6) he loves to dance.
7) he knows where his nose and teeth are.
8) still breastfeeding 3-4 times every day.
9) he likes to climb.
10) he'll eat just about anything you give him,
11) he's been sleeping through the night, and
12) he'll give you kisses and smiles whenever you ask!!

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