Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We're on our way

We are up to our ears in boxes! We'll be all packed up soon. I'll write again after we get settled.
Happy Trails!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh poop!

We are having a poopy week. Both the little guys are having tummy issues. One had grossness coming up the north end and the other has is coming out the south end- if you catch my drift. We HAVE to get it all cleared up before our long drive in 6 days!!! Super E is starting to feel better, but I-guy has the most raw little behind you've ever seen. He just has the most sensitive skin!

We went to visit daddy yesterday at the Crow Mansion, one last time (today is Ry-daddy's last day). While visiting, we were talking to some of the lady's that work there.

E : "I (guy) is the shy one"
Them: "oh yeah, are you ever shy?"
E: "hmmmm, not really much."

Super E then proceeded to the back of the room to throw up on the floor. Poor guy wasn't feeling too well. You'd have never guessed he wasn't feeling well with his cheerful attitude. To make matters worse, he had his first dentist appointment a bit later. We were going to cancel it, but decided we might as well get it over with. He was a champ. He asked the dentist lots of questions, got x-rays and had his cute little teeth cleaned. The dentist said we should be expecting his first tooth to fall out by November! November?!?!?!?!?! I'm just not ready for all this. First school and now teeth falling out! What's next? A beard and mustache?

Anyway, I asked E how his dentist appointment went and he said it was "okay". Then I asked if he liked the suction thing while they were cleaning his teeth and he said, "Not really much."

I won't be posting much more after this until we are settled in AZ.

See all you AZ folk soon!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Thursday, July 13, 2006

shape by shape

We bought this game for Super-E as a birthday gift. We saw it when were at the toy store yesterday and he was immediately drawn to it. I was able to pick out a couple of toys without him even noticing because he was so busy working on it. So I added it to my cart and was able to drag him out of the store without him even noticing the big bag under the stroller.

We only gave him a few gifts yesterday, and were planning on giving him the rest on Saturday, but he kept talking about this puzzle game, wanting to go back to the store to play with it. So finally, Ry-daddy and I decided to give it to him (by hiding it in the frig) and when he opened the frig door to get something, he was so surprised! He's been playing with it ALL DAY LONG!!! He couldn't wait to get home from the grocery store so that he could play with it. It comes with 52 cards with different designs and you have to figure out how to place the shapes to create the design on the card. It's supposed to be for ages 8 and up, but he's pretty good at it. The answers are on the back of each card, which he uses, but he also does them without looking too! I tell ya, the kid really blows me away.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday Super-E!!!

For all the things that make him all that he his, I love him a gazillion times. Because he makes my heart swell and melt, he tickles my funny bone and fills me with joy, he both amazes and astonishes me. He is spirited, dazzling and bright. When I look at him I see pure innocence, kindness and the most tender heart. You'll never meet a more friendly or generous 5 year old. For all this and MORE, I love him.

May you have EVERYTHING that your beautiful heart desires.
Happy Birthday to my little Super-E!!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I-guy found this hat in the toy box and has been wearing it around the house! He looks so darn cute in it I could just squeeze him and bite off all his toes!!! (oh, sorry- sometimes I get a little carried away- he's just so cute, don't you think?)

I made Super-E some homemade *play* dough over the weekend because his store bought is all dried up and gross. So, I found THIS recipe and it works great. E has been playing with it everyday sonce I made it. I just made one batch of the recipe and divided it into 4 pieces, then added the food coloring.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fishing for Compliments

I decorated the shirts with freezer paper stencils and made the shorts (instructions HERE)

The button bracelet I made several days ago was featured briefly on a very very VERY HUGE website called Makezine via another very popular craft blog called Craftlog. All very exciting for me. Check it out.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th

We went to see the fireworks last night. Not knowing where to go, we finally decided to park on the top of a mall parking garage where others had gathered to see the firework. First, it started pouring rain, but that only lasted about 10 minutes. Then when the fireworks finally started you could barely see them over 3 building that were blocking our view. Thinking our efforts were a total bust, we were pleased to see that Super- E had a fabulous time despite the rain and view. He was screaming with delight and dancing around with joy! That's what it's all about anyway- right?Hope everyone is have a very nice 4th of July day!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Our Tucson Place

We found a place to rent. We'll be renting for a year so that we won't be rushed in buying a house, and we can really decide where we want to live. There wasn't very many good pictures of the house, but this will be the view outside our back yard. Aren't those mountains great! Not having any mountains here, it will be nice to see this beautiful view on a daily basis.

We will be really close to some great hiking area close to mountains and very close to a really good elementary school. Super E will be a little cougar!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Meet Sinah

This is the infamous Sinah (pronounced the same as Dinah). She is Super E's most favorite imaginary friend. If you don't know anything about her, here is an extensive list about her as told by Super E.

1. She was born in 2004, just a few months before the arrival of I-guy
2. She is now almost five (just like E). (imaginary people age a little faster than real people)
3. She drives a super-fast car that can get her ANYWHERE in a BLAST!
4. Her favorite places to go are Colorado (to see uncle J), Arizona (to see all of our family) and California (to see Grandma Cindy).
5. Once she drove all the way to Colorado and back in one day!
6. Sometimes she goes on big adventures to the Big Apple.
7. Her favorite thing to do is play with Super E.
8. When mom and dad aren't looking, they like to play obstacle games, hopscotch and bounce (especially at night when they should be going to sleep).
9. Together with E, she loves watching Mr. Rogers and the Big Wide World AND playing on the computer.
10. She and E like to tell scary stories together, but they don't get scared because they have each other.
11. Reading books is another favorite thing to do.
12. Sometimes she goes camping with her family.
13. Her favorite color is red, but sometimes she likes green.
14. She does not eat a single meat, because she loves animals.
15. She loves to eat blueberries, strawberries, apples, noodles and green stuff.
11. She loves to look at pretty things like trees, grass, flowers, mountains and the sky.

There you have it- All you ever needed to know about Sinah.