Thursday, July 13, 2006

shape by shape

We bought this game for Super-E as a birthday gift. We saw it when were at the toy store yesterday and he was immediately drawn to it. I was able to pick out a couple of toys without him even noticing because he was so busy working on it. So I added it to my cart and was able to drag him out of the store without him even noticing the big bag under the stroller.

We only gave him a few gifts yesterday, and were planning on giving him the rest on Saturday, but he kept talking about this puzzle game, wanting to go back to the store to play with it. So finally, Ry-daddy and I decided to give it to him (by hiding it in the frig) and when he opened the frig door to get something, he was so surprised! He's been playing with it ALL DAY LONG!!! He couldn't wait to get home from the grocery store so that he could play with it. It comes with 52 cards with different designs and you have to figure out how to place the shapes to create the design on the card. It's supposed to be for ages 8 and up, but he's pretty good at it. The answers are on the back of each card, which he uses, but he also does them without looking too! I tell ya, the kid really blows me away.

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