Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh poop!

We are having a poopy week. Both the little guys are having tummy issues. One had grossness coming up the north end and the other has is coming out the south end- if you catch my drift. We HAVE to get it all cleared up before our long drive in 6 days!!! Super E is starting to feel better, but I-guy has the most raw little behind you've ever seen. He just has the most sensitive skin!

We went to visit daddy yesterday at the Crow Mansion, one last time (today is Ry-daddy's last day). While visiting, we were talking to some of the lady's that work there.

E : "I (guy) is the shy one"
Them: "oh yeah, are you ever shy?"
E: "hmmmm, not really much."

Super E then proceeded to the back of the room to throw up on the floor. Poor guy wasn't feeling too well. You'd have never guessed he wasn't feeling well with his cheerful attitude. To make matters worse, he had his first dentist appointment a bit later. We were going to cancel it, but decided we might as well get it over with. He was a champ. He asked the dentist lots of questions, got x-rays and had his cute little teeth cleaned. The dentist said we should be expecting his first tooth to fall out by November! November?!?!?!?!?! I'm just not ready for all this. First school and now teeth falling out! What's next? A beard and mustache?

Anyway, I asked E how his dentist appointment went and he said it was "okay". Then I asked if he liked the suction thing while they were cleaning his teeth and he said, "Not really much."

I won't be posting much more after this until we are settled in AZ.

See all you AZ folk soon!

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