Monday, November 07, 2005

Check out Creative Kismet

I've just started yet another blog site. It is called Creative Kismet. I made it as a showcase for my creative side of life. Here I will post my new paintings, and crafts at random. In my efforts of accomplishing my dream of having an online store called Creative Kismet, I am hoping that this will open the door towards getting my creations and name out there in the web world. Eventually my new blog will link to my new online store. You can check out my new blog site here.

I have also joined a sort of web ring called Illustration Friday which is a wonderful idea where a topic is posted every week and then illustrations (art, drawings, paintings, etc) are submitted by hundreds of different artists. It's just like art class in high school. Back then we called it "Freestyle Fridays" which I always just loved. We could draw whatever we wanted (outside of our regular art class work) and post it on the board every Friday at the beginning of class and critique all the works. Illustration Friday is the same idea and I just love it.

I know what everyone is thinking. I've heard it a bit already. "Where does she get the time" or my favorite, "You must have a lot of free time on your hands". Well I don't (obviously). I'm very busy with the boys of course, and with my creating. It's simply just what I love to do so I make time to do it. I spend the majority of my day playing and doing stuff with the boys, running errands one day a week (sometimes 2) and I multitask (for lack of a better word) like crazy. The very second that the boys lie down to nap or sleep at night I'm in my craft room doing something. I also get up early and go to bed late. So that's what I do in a nut shell. Unfortunately, there is not a lot of "free time" on my hands.

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