Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris

Today is my precious little sis's B-day and last Friday was her handsome hubby Chris's B-day (I did not forget btw, just had to work 3 in a row which is almost like falling off the face of the earth for 3 days).

So over here at chaos central, we pulled our energy together (if only for a moment) and created some art work for the birthday couple. At first glance, try to guess which ones the kiddos did and which one the adult did. hmmm.
Cupcake with Flower and Tree
by Super-E
Birthday Abstract
by I-guy
Apple tree and "hi" guy
by Ry-daddy

These fabulous pieces of artwork will be hand delivered this weekend along with lots of hugs, kisses and treats. Oh, and mommy's artwork is a little more, shall we say, "intricate" and is currently still a work in progress.Happy Birthday Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris. We hope you had a fantastic day. We love you muchly and will see you soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jenny and Uncle Chris LOVE the artwork!