Those of you lucky folk who know my little Super-E know what a friendly chap he is. Sooooo talkative and energetic! Where he gets this from we do not know. Here are a couple of stories to tickle your funny bone.
STORY # 1We went to Whole Foods Market yesterday and here is the conversation that Super-E had with the cashier (who was wearing a wrist splint)
E: Is that an owie? (pointing to her wrist)
Cashier: Oh, yes it is.
E: How did you get it?
Cashier: Um, I think I fell down (obviously wanting to give a simple answer)
E: I have 2 owies on my knees. (shows her his knees with a scrape and a bruise)
Cashier: oh I have a bruise on my knee too (she shows him her knee)
E: How did you get that?
cashier: I probably fell down.
E: Well, you should be more careful!
Cashier: So should you.
E: Yeah but I'm a little kid.
The cashier looks at me laughing and says, "You've got yourself a regular wise-guy on your hands!"
Yep, I sure do!
STORY # 2This happened today at dinner. Ethan is always saying "huh?" when we are telling him or asking him something. Ry-daddy gets a real kick out of this and will teasingly say "huh?" back repeatedly. Today Ethan was getting a little frustrated with this type of tom-foolery and replied in a very loud voice:
"Sometimes I say huh because I can't hear you and other times I say it because I don't understand what the heck you are talking about!!"
Well, there you have it. Our little funny guy.
I have been trying to write down funny little things that Ethan has said because everyone knows that the human brain grows holes in it as you age and things, like memories, fall out and get lost. I'd like to remember these funny things by posting about them so they don't get lost. Unfortunately, I can't find the paper I had been jotting down his funny stories on. So if you have a funny memory of Super-E saying something cute and/or funny please leave a comment to help us remember. (note- comments will not automatically appear. I have set it up so that I have to moderate the comment first. Trying to keep spam and weirdos off my blog!!) Thank you for participating!!
Hugs & Kisses.