We made soft pretzels today. They were super-duper yummy. Super-E rolled and shaped several himself (the ones on his plate). Here he is having a little snack break (pretzel knots and a strawberry smoothie) and he's reading his animal book. He's so sweet and cute! After his snack he decided he wanted to play by himself in the spare bedroom with his puzzles and light bright. After a little while I went in there to see how he was doing and he was passed out- sleeping on top of his puzzles with his legs hanging off the bed. He slept for an hour!
Well, I've been watching
Honey We're Killing the Kids, and I have to say that I'm not very impressed and here's why: 1)no one can change their eating and lifestyle in only 3 weeks, 2)the nutritionist doctor is not very likeable, and 3)the rules are pretty harsh and impractical. Big changes take time, effort and little baby steps. Starting with harsh rules only seems to meet huge resistance. Another thing is they never explain why their eating and lifestyle is unhealthy. Sure, most people know that eating high fat, sugary meals and not exercising is bad for you but WHY exactly. It seems like it's losing a big opportunity to teach why these foods are really bad for you. I don't think I'll be watching that show again. It was a good try though.

Lastly, has anyone seen Wallace and Gromit's Curse of the Were-Rabbit? I think it's is the best children's movie I've seen in a long time!! Super E watched it at least 5 times over the weekend and he's still talking about it. There is some great and very sudtle adult humor. Wallace and Gromit are in the business of
humanely ridding gardens of veggie loving rabbits. Wallace finds himself in a heap of trouble when he starts messing with the bunny's heads. I loved that Gromit (the dog) puts Wallace on a veg diet because he eats too much cheese! It's really great- You've gotta see it if you haven't already!
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