I-guy is all better from his cold, Super-E got sick a couple of nights ago and has been sleeping with me, Ry-Daddy started feeling bad yesterday and is sleeping in the spare bedroom, and now I feel that I am on the verge of getting it too!! It's been a snot-filled past couple of days and I forgot to buy tissue at the store today!!

You can tell that I-guy is feeling much better because he has discovered that he likes running through the curtains. Of course, we don't like him to do this because he could 1) hurt himself and 2) rip the curtains down. He knows this, so he only does it when he thinks we aren't looking. We were able to get this picture by pretending that we were busy talking. He's a sneaky guy. He's a very brave little fellow too. Much more of a climber than Super-E was. He climbs onto Super-E's bed, onto the couch, anywhere he can hike up his little leg up and grab hold of something to yank himself up. A monster I tell you! And if you so much as slightly raise your voice to him, the lip hangs down and he'll give you the saddest cry you ever heard.
Hope everyone has a nice weekend. It looks like we may have a rainy one.
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