The first thing E does when he gets home from school is have a snack (or two) and a big cup of water. Today he had half a sandwich, a granola bar, some fruit and a few gummy worms. Yet, only an hour later, he'll do his little whiney song about being hungry. It doesn't stop until we sit down for dinner.

The other little guy, he eats all day. One thing right after another. The only time he stops is when he naps. When he wakes up, there better be something for him to eat or he is NOT happy!!!

The eating NEVER stops around here. It's a constant. So forget the
college fund. We need money for food- because if they're eating this much now, I can't even imagine what it will be like in 10 years!! So go ahead and click on the "E&I Food Button" to donate now.

Just kidding. Nothing happens when you click the button. I just thought it would be funny. har har har!
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