Tears, Tears, and More Tears

The first thing I think of when I see the word liquid (relating to family) is breastfeeding (I-guy is going on 14 months-yeah!). But, after a day like today, all I can think of (see and hear), are tears. Not tears of joy- nope tears of.......I don't know what. The guys are just feeling crumby today. I-guy is still a little snotty and congested which I'm sure is not making him feel very well and Super-E is just plain upset because Gracie (our neighbors grandchild) hasn't been able to come over and play. To make matters worse, Ry-daddy and I are starting to feel the stresses of having the house up for sale. Why gosh, I feel like crying right now......bwaaaaaa- waaaaaa-waaaaa.
Okay, sorry. I lost control. When ever the kids are both crying at the same time, sometimes Ry-daddy and I start wailing too(just for fun). Usually I-guy is the first to stop. He just looks at us like "what the heck are these two doing?". Super E usually stops soon after because he has to try not to laugh! Pretty soon we're all laughing. It's a fun game.
Okay, sorry. I lost control. When ever the kids are both crying at the same time, sometimes Ry-daddy and I start wailing too(just for fun). Usually I-guy is the first to stop. He just looks at us like "what the heck are these two doing?". Super E usually stops soon after because he has to try not to laugh! Pretty soon we're all laughing. It's a fun game.
Man oh MAN ~ seeing this picture made Aunt Jenny very depressed....so much so that she's resorted to talking in third person....
She misses those boys....
Don't worry Aunt Jenny, they were'nt crying for too long. It looks a lot worse than it really was. They miss you too!
these are perfect. wow. i have tried wailing myself when things are really awful (also just for fun) and it almost always works.
Mama told me about Muffy The Evil Villain not answering the door. THAT story brought Aunt Jenny to tears. I'm going to be sending some feel good, positive, warm fuzzy vibes in the direction of the Casa De Lord. Things will GET better and go your way. I just know it!!!
I love you muchly,
Aunt Jenny
funny photo; I remember those days where the crying rolls over the house like a tidal wave...
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