After spending the weekend sewing, ripping apart and re-sewing I think the boys' costumes turned out pretty good. I do have to say that no animals were harmed in the making of Ethan's outfit -only cotton and faux fabrics were used. Anyway, It was fun, but next year I will give myself more than the weekend before to make the costumes. You know me- can't do anything the easy way.

Ethan had a blast!! He is quite the friendly trick-or-treater. We had to remind him not to go inside the houses. We also had to restrict him to saying only "Trick-or-treat","Thank You" and "Happy Halloween". Otherwise, we'd be out all night just making it through one quarter of the homes on ONE street. If you get him going, pretty soon he's telling all sorts of stories about Isaak, our cat...you name it! He kind of lingered too. You know when the candy givers say "okay... have a good night" and Ethan, several minutes later, is still standing there staring into their big bowls of candy as if mesmerized. He's a hoot!! He made out like a bandit. A pretty good size bag filled with goodies. Surely he couldn't and shouldn't eat it all by himself. Thank goodness for mommy and daddy.
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