Everyone that knows me knows how important breastfeeding is to me. I was fortunate enough to breastfeed Ethan for 14 months and am currently breastfeeding Isaak now. From breastfeeding my children and working in postpartum during the last year, I've become more aware of the importance of breastfeeding. It can be the hardest yet most powerful decision that a mother can make when she decides to breastfeed her child. More and more research is coming out giving important facts on the benefits of breast feeding. It is strongly encouraged and recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics(AAP) and the World Health Organization(WHO).
Currently, there are several states that do not provide legislation to protect breastfeeding mothers right to nourish their child where ever or when ever needed. One of these states being Arizona, my home state. Currently La Leche League and Lansinoh have teamed up to start the Breastfeeding Protection Initiative with the
Encourage, Support, and Protect Breastfeeding cause bracelets . Funds raised for this initiative will help to educate and increase awareness about breastfeeding rights and legislation. For more information check out
The Breastfeeding Protection Initiative and please consider buying a bracelet. Thanks
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