Here is a picture of Isaak's two very cute little teeth. (Picture courtesy of Ethan-he loves taking pictures with my digital camera). I think Isaak's top two teeth may be making an appearance soon. He's been awfully cranky these last couple of days. The only time he isn't is when he is chewing on something. I bought the coolest little gadget for him called the
Fresh Food Feeder by Munchkin. It's a little teething ring with a net bag that you put fruit in and close. He just loves it. I put pieces of apple, melon, peach, grapes or frozen banana pieces in it and he chews on it and sucks all the juice out until there is nothing but a flat little piece of fruit fiber. The best thing about it is that I don't have to worry about him choking. The only bad thing about it is that it's really hard to clean. I found another version of it called the
Baby Safe Feeder that comes with removable and replaceable little bags. We might try that next when this one is all chewed out.
Ethan had his first soccer practice/meeting last Sunday. It was pretty fun. Ethan is definitely the most friendly little guy with not one ounce of shyness. He was talking to everyone telling them about this new soccer shoes and how Grandma Cindy was visiting and his little brothers name is Isaak and on and on and on. During the meeting part, each child was asked to think about what they wanted their team name to be. Ethan picked "The Monkeys" and " The Scorpions". Other ideas were dragons, rockets, red devils, fierce jaguars, lions, tigers and bears- oh my, the list went on forever! After a long deliberation, the kids finally decided on
The Scorpions as their team name. Their colors are red, black and white and their first game will be on Sunday. It should be very funny and interesting considering what practice was like. Ethan is the youngest one on the team and one of the few that hasn't ever played soccer. He mostly just watched bugs fly by and ran along with the team laughing and screaming. It's really gonna be a hoot. We will be prepared with digital and video cameras in hand. Lots of picture to follow.