This morning we went for our Sunday morning walk/bike ride with Ethan. We are trying to get E used to riding his bike. We usually walk along side of him to help push him along and keep him motivated to keep pedaling.

Unfortunately we decided to go to a park with a playground so his interest in bike riding, which was high when we left the house, tumbled at the sight of the brightly colored playground. We did manage to get him to go around twice before he tossed his bike to the side and ran for the slides. We can't blame him- playgrounds are such an exciting place. Especially the ones in Dallas.

A majority of the nice parks have some kind of water feature like ponds or fountains which are a major safety concern for most of the parents at the park since most kid have no fear of falling into the disgusting slimy green/brown water. We try our best to maintain some kind of calmness by talking to Ethan about keeping a safe distance between him and the EDGE instead of being one of those parents that go screaming across the playground at their kids to NOT GO NEAR THE WATER! Remember I said try. I vaguely remember screaming hysterically a couple of times, but I've calmed down as Ethan has become older.
I also have to mention the type of weather we've been having. It was only 84 degrees out but

with 70% humidity, which means that it feel like its really 95 degrees out. The humidity is oppressive here. I really can't stand it. I 've decided that I can tolerate dry heat so much better. Can you imagine sitting at the park doing absolutely nothing and being so sticky and sweaty for no reason at all? And you should see poor Ethan with his hair all wet and beads of sweat running off his chin. And Isaak isn't doing much yet he still has little beads of sweat all over his round little head. They don't seem to mind in the least.
1 comment:
i'm glad that you had such a lovely sunday my dear, beautiful sister/blogaholic. workin on my own blog here .... coming soon...
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