Isaak has been advancing well into his 6th month of life. Today he is exactly 6 months. So far he can sit very well on his own, roll over and leap twoards anything he might want to chew on. He also has a very strong grasp(especially when mommy's hair is in his hands) and a good arm- he can throw his toys pretty far when he wants our attention. He's eating 1-2 homemade baby meals each day and continueing to breasfeed every 3-4 hours and his feet are a fun and tasty treat. He's growing so much everyday and his personaltiy is beganing to blossom. It's hard to believe this, but Ethan was actually almost 2lbs bigger than Isaak at this stage. We love to look at old pictures of Ethan and are amazed at the similarities between the two boys.
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