Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Last Day of School

To celebrate the last day of school, we took the boys to get some gelato. They loved it. What's not to love? Cold creamy goodness?

All the little spoons were for trying different flavors. Super E picked Amaretto and I-guy picked chocolate.

T0morrow we will be watching Martha and then we will be planning out BIG trip to California. Yay! We can't wait!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Reunion Slide Show

I few pics of the reunion, mostly of the kids. They had so much fun. Poor I-guy never got a chance to ride on the horses because of an allergic reaction he had to the hay or the horses or both- who knows. He's never had a reaction like that before. Fortunately some benadryl was had and he was running around again, back normal, except with a puffy eye.

This weekend we are getting a desert tortoise. More pics on that coming soon.
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