Jedi Ethlo Lotuc and Super I

The force is strong with this one!

Super strong, super fast and super fierce!

Trick or treating

Check out all that loot!!
Here are some highlights of the night:
1. Eating
this made for some interesting conversation at the dinner table: "If I eat both of the eyeballs then my noodles won't be able to see very well." Nice try buddy.
2. Super-I would scream "trick or treat!!" before we were anywhere near the door. Then he would say "thank you" before getting any candy.
3. Amazingly, Jedi-E hit only one man in the head with his lightsaber. It was bound to happen, right?
4. Jedi-E hummed the tune to Star Wars the WHOLE time we were trick-or-treating.
5. He also had three duals while we were out. Two with another jedi and one with Darth Vader.
6. Super I
can run faster with a cape and super boots. Especially on an empty road. Believe me, we had to chase him!
Now, I have to promise (so that everyone can see) that we will get a pumpkin next year to carve, no matter what!! We had a little bit of a break down today because of the absence of said pumpkin. It's really not my fault. The stupid thing rotted right on the counter and we had to throw it away!! So, next year!!! I promise!!!