Just so I don't forget....

I-guy went for his 2 year wellness check-up and all went well, except for the end part. You do know what happens in the end part dont you? Well, I'll get to that in a moment. Here are his stats for the two year visit:
Weight: 30 lbs 4 oz (50-75th percentile)
Height: 36 7/8 inches (97th percentile)
He's getting so big. It's only a matter of time before my boys are towering over me!
Now, back to the Dr. visit. I-guy did very very well. He even opened his mouth for Ms. Doctor! After she poked and prodded, she confirmed that he is indeed a fine and healthy boy! Of course he is! Then the dreaded shot lady came in all unsuspecting, and BOOM daddy-o, in the leg with a needle! How dare she! She quickly left the room while I calmed my little guy and got him dressed. As we left the room, he spotted her in the back of the office and starting crying and pointing at her in a very accusatory manner! I am sure he told her off in his own little way. Good thing we don't have to go back again for another year (good for her anyway)!