The boys both had wellness check-ups today. Thanks goodness Ry-daddy came along to help. It was pure chaos! Hopefully we didn't overwhelm the poor doctor- whom I love by the way. She didn't lecture us about being vegetarian, or still breast feeding or not wanting to give the kids flu shots. She was cool and said my babies were very healthy and didn't need flu shots anyway!!! HA!!! I couldn't believe it! Finally a doctor on the same page as me!! She's a keeper!
The boys were actually very good. It just got a little crazy with 5 people in a very small examining room. There was toy noise along with the constant chattering of E and the squeaking shrills of I-guy. Ethan was asked what kinds of foods we eat and he said, "We eat
A LOT of beans and do you know what my dad says? He says they are the magical fruit, but they're not really a fruit." Fortunately, she knew all about the bean song. You don't know it? Here it is:
Beans, beans the magical fruit,
the more you eat the more you toot.
The more you toot the better you feel,
so eat beans with every meal!
Anyway, we finally were able to see how much they have grown. Our scale is broken and we haven't put up E's height chart, so we have been dying to know. I just have to say were are going to have tall boys. Here are the stats:
ht: 3feet 9.25inches (80th percentile)
wt: 50lbs (75th percentile)
ht: 3 feet (100th percentile)
wt: 27 lbs 12 oz (50th percentile)
the percentile is a comparison to other children of the same age. 80th percentile (for example) means that child is taller(bigger) than 80% of the children his age.
Then the shots came. Super-E was very brave, took it in the arm, and did not cry at all. I-guy on the other hand got very upset. And for the rest of the day, every time he saw his bandaids, he'd cry "Owwww!" and point at his legs in a very sad way. He also was very cranky- do you blame him! One shot in each leg- poor little guy!