After two days, 16 hours of driving, 2 movies, several video games and one night in a crappy hotel we are finally home. I have to say that the boys did very well considering that they were strapped down in there car seats for very long periods of time. E of course did very well. He had loads of toys, games and movies to keep him occupied (Thanks to Aunt Josette & Uncle Bear). We are mostly surprised at how well Isaak did. I sat in back with both the boys which helped, but he didn't really cry until the very end of day one and the end of day two. Who can blame him.
Boy were we relieved to pull into our drive way. We may not like Dallas, but it sure felt good to know we wouldn't have to pack and unpack the sub-hog for a long time. Now that we are home, we can focus on getting the house ready to sell and start liquidating. I am very excited.
Thank you very much to all our friends and family who welcomed us into their cozy homes during our trip. We had a wonderful time. E truly did not want to leave.